Sunday, February 23, 2014

It's 2014!

Just decided to stop by and say 'Hello!' to my old blog. Still haven't lost that love for steam. Or trains, for that matter. Wonder what the next few years will bring. Model trains have begun to appear on shelves at select stores. Hornby has begun to ship a few of its models to India. So have a few other companies. But the demand, and the supply are scarce. Undaunted, I spent the afternoon designing my first complete layout. It's a small 8 x 4 OO Hornby layout, which may have a tunnel, and some scenery, two loops and some sidings. Small 0-4-0 trains (or equivalent), preferably DCC, and loads of wagons. Passenger coaches are not viable in the small layout. So bye-bye Pullmans!


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