Steam Halt

It’s hot in here. I am not sure if the sun has had a faulty alarm clock, but it surely is out with much force in the past few days. It’s not quite a great time to go steam hopping. Most of Rajasthan and Gujrat etc will be baked to carbon. This is the lean period. This is the time when people realise that steam locomotives are no fun sometimes. We long for the air-conditioned coach. Or budget airlines. We don’t feel like travelling but remain motionless under cool roofs, and cold glass. There might not be much to write about in this month – in fact for the succeeding few months. There isn’t much happening on the loco front. No news at all. So will sign off for now. Cheers!
heh! heh! so have begun to feel the heat. really it's true it's tough to think of steam rides in the heat of summer. take a nice airline and sip cool beer. and enjoy your short trip to paradise.
It is a nice blog and I like it. What I fail to understand is why would someone not like to think about steam locomotives during summer? I think if you really like steam travel you'll like it for all the time of the year. But then I can't really say much about the Indian summer. It's a legend, so I've heard.
summer? i thought it was raining man. and hey nice blog.
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