An Idea!

This engine could be running if ...
I was, only a while back, travelling by the Delhi Metro when my friend exclaimed that the Indian railways ought to privatise its operations. "Rubbish", I said, pointing out that the moment the Indians Railways is privatised the whole system will collapse. But I also pointed out that the one thing that ought to be privatised are heritage trains. I just came across a news item that said that the country has 29 steam locomotives working in different zones within the country. A pretty low number considering the size of the country and the sheer number of available steam locomotive stocks. Perhaps what needs to be done is to allow private operators to enter into an agreement with the Ministry of Railways to run steam trains through out the country. A number of enthusiasts would join in making the effort really successful. Can’t say if such a proposition has already been placed before the government. But hope that something will be done to increase the number of heritage steam trains the in country.
Hmmm... nice thought.
I am from South Africa and have been reading your blog for sometime now. I was wondering if this blog is only about Indian Steam Locomotives. If so then perhaps you need to expand your observations and provide more details. I, for example, would be interested in reading about conservation efforts being undertaken in your country; and what quantum of progress has been made in that field.
On the other hand if this blog is about steam locomotives worldwide, then you will need to focus on restoration activities being undertaken by local steam locomotive societies in their respective countries.
I believe my advise to you would be to increase the content, and diversify it to make it more mainstream.
PS. Nice effort though.
what happened to your position on google?
hi, great blog. i think steam locomotives are not what companies think as feasable economically. I don't think that is right. Do you think it is economically feaable to run a steam locmotive?
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