Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Darjeeling (UK)

Photo courtsey: www.dhrs.org

To most it would appear strange that a railway present in one country could bcome the point of attraction in another. But this is what exactly has happened with the famed Darjeeling Railway in the United Kingdom where the only engine from the Darjeeling Himalayan railway to have ever escaped from the country has been purchased by one proud member of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society in UK. The society plans to use it to educate the public about the heritage train ride in the northern part of West Bengal in India. The locomotive was formerly in the Unitd States and had recently become a liability for them. Responding to his enthusiasm for steam locomotives, Mr. Adrian Shooter; Managing Director of Chiltern Railways, bought the engine and sent it off for restoration. Initially no. 19 the loco was later christned as no. 778. Here's to the great work being done by the DHRS and Mr. Adrian Shooter.Cheers!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Locomotiff Foundation Railways

Photograph courtsey: Heinrich Hubbert

Partly presumptious and partly pompus, the name might appear to have gone slightly overboard but it would be quite right for me to state that this is exactly what I have in mind. What began as a humble blog cannot for ever be allowed to stay the same way. So I have put up the resolve of primarily setting up the Locomotiff Foundation and work towards the revival of the steam engine. This, alittle confusing it may be, is not really a society and I would certainlynot want a 'Non Profit Organisation' tag to be attached to it. I am planning to bring out an official journal by the end of this year and distribute it to all possible libraries that are there in the city (New Delhi). And that would be the typical small step towards the main goal which is to see as many steam trains in service as possible. Wish me luck.

And before I forget - just because there are not to be any members does not mean that association is not encouraged. In fact it is now made easier. 'Members' are called 'Associates' and they will not be charged any fees to become a part of this effort. Cheers then!