Hogwats Express.

Yes its that same train that leads Harry and his gang to and from the now famed Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizadry every year. One couldn't have surely mistaken it for anything else - what with its scarlet red exterior and the words "Hogwarts Express" imprinted upon it in shiny gold letterings. So sets the setting for another splendid journey to the bewitching land of Hogwarts and the adventures that it conjoures up each and every time. And before I forget let us not forget our dear old Lord Voldemort (Oh shouldn't have said it before you). Somewhere way back in the past Mr. Tom Riddle as he would have been known then would have been pulled by this same engine. Come to think of it so would have so many of the others death eaters and as well as the ... well the ordinary folks. So what made this train appear in this blog? Because it is a steam engine? Well that could be one reason. But the greater reason why this particular engine is here is because I want to tell you through this just how much enchanting a steam engine really is.
Imagine yourself in the company of hundreds of young witches and wizards as this train chugs out of platform nine and three quaters and towards Hogsmead station. Exciting would be an understatement. And yet to build upon the same one requires something different from the regular marks of high technology. So no electric or diesel here or Magelev. But steam. Yes faithful, old steam power, just like Professor Dumbledore ordered. And it certainly not only retains its charms (pun intended) but also expands on it (pun intended). So before you think of a steam engine as dull think about Hogwarts Express.