Its A Bright June Afternoon
Remember the song by Roxette? Well in India June afternoons are not the most sought after things. But we'll let that be. For the moment we shall concentrate on Locomotiff Foundation. So what does it take to start off with a good Foundation in a place like this. Well the answer is: lots of people who think alike. I was planning to bring out a seasonal newsletter but then thought about it a little longer and realised that it might not be the best thing to do. But nevertheless quite interesting, so I have not quite given up the idea. The rest will take a bit more of my time in thought. But here I must declare that should fortunes favour my enterprise it would not be long before I can get out with a proper platform to launch the Fondation in the manner it most deserves.
So what would be the founding principle of the Foundation? Funny you should ask. Revival f the steam locomotive is too much of a general claim. Particularly it would mean that somewhere someone is planning to raise enough capial to set off the formation of what could very well become the largest steam locomotive company in the world. For now though that is only wishful thinking. Yes I do require a bit of encouragement and a hell lot of support. But then I am waiting and preparing for it all. May be the first edition of the newsletter would be out soon. Then again it could also be the last newsleter. I cant really tell for sure. In the meantime you be on the lookout for more news on the Foundation and also more on the work done on steam locos worldwide.
Cheers then!
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